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Friday Night: Cold Feet!
"Hey, what if we had you, me, and 3 of our other friends doing a soprano
to the ending of His and Her Circumstances (Kare-Kano)?"
Genri wasn't one for singing sopranos, especially for songs sung by
girls, so he politely refused.
Carl and Genri's other friend Frank promptly tried to convince
him otherwise, which involved Genri running for his life down
two floors (Quote Frank: "I have never seen a man fly before...")
Genri was literally dragged arm in arm by the both of them, kicking
and screaming, into karaoke. Luck would have it though, Carl left
the CD single at home, so no karaoke for them! AWWWWWWWWWW...
Genri felt energized from all that running, but at the same time
he felt lightheaded. He felt someone at the back of his mind.
Lamui? Naaah, he got rid of him at Katsucon! Shrugging it off,
he ran into Dom again. Now, supposedly, the two of them look alike,
so Dom had a brilliant idea. It was about 11:30 now, and the yaoi
panel was beginning. They both knew the people that were running
Dom - "Hey, what would happen if we went into the yaoi panel and...did
Genri - "Uhh, what kind of stuff?"
In response, Dom unleashes Genri's new terror, the vibrating sheep
of death! Genri and Dom look at each other for a few moments, and with
the calm, serene look madmen acquire with years of practice, barge right
into the panel.
Dom - "We have a public service announcement."
Genri takes the sheep, places it in a rather interesting place on his
body, and lets it vibrate in its full glory. Dom then proceeds to grab
and shake the sheep. As Dom exits, Genri, obviously taken over by Lamui
Hackt, chases him, yelling, "Dooooooooom~~~!!!"
He swore the panel somehow spontaneously transformed into a Backstreet
Boys concert, with all the squealing and screaming that ensued.
And yes, Lamui must've taken over Genri's body completely, as
he suggested crashing into their panel a SECOND time. Let's just
say afterwards, Genri confirmed that he was, indeed, the "uke".
Worst part about it? IT WAS ALL CAUGHT ON FILM. Genri - "Oh god,
I need to find some HETEROSEXUAL porn, like NOW!" Ahem, after
regaining control of his body, Genri walks back to the hotel room.
As luck would have it, the remaining members of his skit finally
show up! Time for practice! But enough of the madness.
Time for some sleep...