2 Months Later...

So much for willpower...
Ah, the pleasures of life...

Ok, so maybe I wasn't exactly THAT reluctant to go to Akon this year. In fact, this was a big deja vu - if you keep track of my convention appearances, you'll note at last year's A-kon was exactly under the same situation. A convention the weekend before my finals, being drafted into a cosplay - history likes to repeat itself doesn't it? Unfortunately, this was perhaps the shortest con for Genjitsu, as he ended up getting there late Friday night, and leaving early Sunday morning. But how refreshing it was! For one thing, I wasn't with AMC this time around, which meant I could walk around aimlessly, just absorbing the con atmosphere! (Which was actually somewhat fanboy-funk free...)

Boyscouts on Crack!

There was still the matter of the Gundam Wing cosplay though. Having been talked into it by Duo and Quatre, Genjitsu came to the rescue as Wufei, modifying the innocent skit until it became the monster that is "Boyscouts on Crack!" VERY detailed planning was done Friday night for this skit, with the utmost coordination:

Duo - "So Genjitsu, what are we doing for a skit?"
Genjitsu - "Two words: HELLA IMPROV!" 

Errr, in any case, we had a last minute addition to the team - Trowa! A good friend from the area, I informed Trowa of our GW skit a week or so before, and Trowa definitely wanted to make it! At first, I thought, oooh, of course, this would be excellent...Little did I know, she would soon traumatize me with the term that will have me twitching forever:



Terms like seme and uke, 5x3...poor Genjitsu's mind was scarred forever! But besides that minor technicality, A-kon was a blast again! The masquerade actually lasted under 2 hours (though the intermission was almost half as long), and the crowd was really into it! Plus, I got a great Trigun and Xenogears poster at the dealer's room! All in all, Akon was a refreshing diversion, a chance for Genjitsu to get away from everything, including the "90210 drama" that had been surrounding his life the past week.

So enjoy the few pics I have, and for the record - I ended up kicking butt on my economics final!








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